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Thermal Flying for paraglider and hang glider pilots

The second edition of Thermal Flying 

The absolute bible for thermaling and cross country flying. Written by experts, this book it's a must have for all pilots ! 

Language : English

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    40,00 € TTC
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    The second edition of Thermal Flying has been thoroughly revised and update

    • The absolute bible for thermaling and cross country flying
    • Easy to understand photos and diagrams
    • More than 500 illustrations
    • Perfect for beginners and old-hands alike
    • Written by experts

    A must have’ for all pilots

    Thermal Flying is a comprehensive guide to the art of thermalling and XC flying. This 296 page book is illustrated with clear diagrams and photos to help pilots make sense of the concepts, techniques and meteorology knowledge you need to make the most of each flying day.

    Written by highly respected competition pilot Burkhard Martens, Thermal Flying has been translated into English by PWC pilot Mads Syndergard with a bonus section by 2007 World Champion Bruce Goldsmith.

    This hardback book covers all aspects of cross country flying and spells out priceless information on reading conditions and thermal flying like no other book. Thermal Flying is peppered with experts’ tips and the author’s own personal experiences and beautifully illustrated with succulent photographs.

    This second edition has yet more input from expert pilots, new pictures and illustrations plus more detailed explanations of coring, soaring technique, the venturi effect, cloudbase height and thermal lifespans.

    With something to learn, whether you are a beginner or seasoned campaigner, this is a book that should be on every pilot’s bookshelf!

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    Fiche technique

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