Paraglider Rescue Accessories

Paragliding is a fascinating aerial activity offering unique sensations and incomparable freedom in the air. However, as with any free-flight activity, safety is paramount. This is where the rescue parachute comes in, and is one of the essential pieces of equipment for any safety-conscious paraglider. In this article, we'll explore the various accessories that are essential for an effective paragliding rescue system.
The front container is a crucial piece of paragliding equipment in cases where the harness has no integrated pocket. It's a pocket on the front of the harness, attached to the main carabiners, which holds the rescue parachute. This ventral position is strategic, as it allows quick and easy access in the event of an emergency. The latest models, such as the Neo or Supair front container, are highly appreciated for their ease of use and design. Front rescue bags are often made from lightweight, durable materials. This means they're an item you invest in once, and which will remain functional for years to come.
Rescue risers are sturdy straps that connect the reserve parachute to the harness. They play a crucial role in the event of parachute deployment, as they must support the pilot's weight and absorb the shock of opening the parachute. Dyneema rescue risers are particularly popular for their strength and lightness. Brands such as Supair and Gin offer very light and efficient rescue risers. Rescue risers are usually attached to the harness and reserve parachute, either with quick links or lark heads.

The rescue handle is an extremely important little accessory, because it's what you pull on to trigger the rescue. A good rescue handle must be easily accessible and handy, even in stressful situations. Rescue handles are attached to the POD and need to be checked regularly to ensure that they are working properly, especially before each take-off to make sure they are properly in place. The rescue handle always depends on the harness/container.

Rescue parachute pods are fabric pockets in which the reserve parachute is held folded. The purpose of this pocket is to release the rescue parachute from the reserve pocket, and then throw it as far away from the pilot as possible before deployment. Indeed, a rescue parachute that opens close to the pilot is problematic, as it is likely to become entangled with the pilot and his equipment, rendering it ineffective. Pods can be harness-dependent and attached to the rescue handle in certain configurations. In other cases, simply choose a pod whose size is adapted to the volume of the folded reserve parachute.

For tandem flights, the reserve parachute must be adapted to the extra weight. Solo rescue parachutes are not sufficient for tandem flights. The impact on opening could cause the fabric to explode, and the sink rate would be too high. Special models, such as the Companion SQR rescue, are designed to support the weight of two people. These two-seater rescue parachutes have a larger active surface area for a reduced sink rate to enable a smooth landing for pilot and passenger. They are also more voluminous and require adapted housing.

In conclusion, every paraglider rescue accessory plays a vital role in the overall safety of the rescue chain. Whether it's reserve pouches, risers, handles or specific tandem rescue parachutes, it's essential to choose quality equipment and maintain it regularly. Brands such as Supair, Gin and Companion are at the cutting edge of technology, offering innovative products that fuse the advantages of different types of parachute for maximum safety. By investing in these accessories, paragliders can ensure peace of mind and concentrate on the pleasure of flying, with the certainty of being well equipped !