How does a rescue parachute work ?

Rescue parachutes play a crucial role in hang-gliding, helping to keep pilots safe in the event of an emergency. Understanding the operation and correct use of this equipment is essential for every paraglider pilot. This explanatory guide will take you through the various stages, from rigging to packing, right through to deploying the rescue parachute, to help all those who love to fly.
Correctly attaching the rescue parachute to the harness is an essential step in ensuring that it will function properly when needed. Here are the steps to follow :
1) Compatibility check : First and foremost, make sure your rescue parachute is compatible with your paragliding harness. Essentially, this means making sure your rescue parachute fits into the pocket that will receive it, whether ventral or subcutaneous.
3) Release test : After attaching the parachute to the harness, perform a release test to make sure everything is working properly.
2) Riser attachment straps : Securely attach your reserve risers to your harness, then your reserve parachute to your risers. There are a number of ways to fasten your rescue parachute to your harness, such as using a lark's head or a quick link. The important thing is to ensure that the strap doesn't break when the rescue parachute is released. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid any assembly errors.
1) Compatibility check : First and foremost, make sure your rescue parachute is compatible with your paragliding harness. Essentially, this means making sure your rescue parachute fits into the pocket that will receive it, whether ventral or subcutaneous.
2)Riser attachment straps : Securely attach your reserve risers to your harness, then your reserve parachute to your risers. There are a number of ways to fasten your rescue parachute to your harness, such as using a lark's head or a quick link. The important thing is to ensure that the strap doesn't break when the rescue parachute is released. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid any assembly errors.
3) Release test : After attaching the parachute to the harness, perform a release test to make sure everything is working properly.
To securely and efficiently attach your rescue parachute to your paragliding harness, you have the choice of using certain specific accessories :
1) Quick links : These devices allow the rescue parachute straps to be connected to the harness quickly and securely.
2) Risers : The risers offer excellent strength while being lightweight and allow the connection between the rescue and the harness.
3) Rescue container : Some harnesses are equipped with a dedicated compartment for storing the reserve parachute. For non-equipped harnesses, you'll need a ventral container.
Correctly packing a rescue parachute is a crucial skill for paragliders. Here are the different packing methods for different types of rescue parachute :
Packing a round rescue parachute
Packing a round rescue parachute requires a specific method to avoid tangles and ensure rapid, stable opening when in use. In fact, because of the central aperture (Apex), its adjustment is tricky, since to pack it you need to scrupulously follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
Packing a square - triangle and other rescue parachutes...
Rescue parachutes in square, triangular or other shapes (other than round) offer greater in-flight stability and faster opening. Packing must be done with care, as it usually differs slightly from the packing of round rescue parachutes.

Packing dirigible rescue parachutes
Steerable rescue parachutes are designed to allow partial steering control in the air until landing. Packing must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, as it is very important that the parachute opens smoothly. There is a high risk of line-over if the parachute is incorrectly packed, and this greatly compromises or even renders impossible the piloting of the parachute.
Packing the rescue in a front container
Some harnesses feature a front container (also known as a "ventral pokcet") dedicated to the rescue parachute. Folding to fit the rescue in these pockets is the same as folding to fit the rescue in a subcutaneous pocket. So there's no specific folding to install a rescue in a ventral pocket.
To ensure the efficiency and reliability of your rescue parachute during your paragliding flight, it is essential to follow good maintenance, storage and transport practices :
1) Regular inspection : Perform periodic inspections of your rescue parachute to check the condition of materials, straps and stitching. A minimum of once a year is recommended. Every 6 months is ideal.
2) Proper storage :Store your rescue parachute in a dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Avoid extreme temperatures.
3) Safe transport : When you're on the move, be sure to protect your rescue parachute from knocks and rubbing. Use a suitable carry bag to protect it when you're on the move.
After using your rescue parachute in an emergency situation, it is imperative that you pack it carefully or have it serviced by a qualified professional. Remember, the rescue parachute is an essential piece of safety equipment, and its re-use depends on its good condition and compliance with the manufacturer's specifications.
In conclusion, the operation of a rescue parachute is a crucial subject for every paraglider pilot. Understanding how to attach, pack, maintain and reuse your rescue parachute can make all the difference in an emergency. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations and, if necessary, don't hesitate to ask for professional help to ensure maximum safety during your paragliding flights.
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