Paragliding Clearance Sale

Why choose a destocking paraglider ?
Paragliders are put on clearance when we have excess stock, or when a new version of the model in question is about to be released. This doesn't mean that the wing isn't of high quality - quite the contrary ! This situation offers pilots the opportunity to buy a high-performance paraglider at an attractive price.
How do I choose a destocking paragliding harness ?
Stock clearance harnesses offer pilots an excellent opportunity to equip themselves at lower cost with top-of-the-range, high-performance and comfortable products. To make the right choice, it's essential to consider your specific needs. Whether you're into site flying, paragliding acrobatics or cross-country flying, you'll find suitable harnesses in our stockists. We don't just stock beginner's harnesses, but also string harnesses, cocoon harnesses and classic seat harnesses.
Rescue parachutes on clearance at Air et Aventure
Ensuring your safety at competitive prices is one of the main advantages of buying a rescue parachute off the shelf. Air et Aventure offers BRAND NEW rescue parachutes, with optimum safety performance to guarantee you the best in paragliding.
Paragliding brands on clearance at Air et Aventure
On our website, you'll find a wide range of paragliders, rescue parachutes and harnesses on clearance, from the best brands on the market. We offer a complete selection of products from Gin, Neo, Skywalk, Supair, Niviuk, Swing, MCC Aviation, Sky Paragliders, Sol, Nova, Nervures, Little Cloud, Kortel Design, ITV and Dudek.
Don't hesitate to take advantage of our best paraglider clearance offers, or contact us for personalized advice !