Relief map for recreational and educational use
Discover the Haute-Savoie department as you've never seen it before with this 3DMap relief map. It's uniquely accurate, so you'll easily find the region's mountain ranges and important paragliding take-off and landing points, as well as lots of other useful information.
Dimensions (cm) : 41 x 61
Scale : 1/230,000
Possibility of adding a frame
The 3DMap relief map of Haute-Savoie shows you the most beautiful places in the region. From Lac Léman to Lac d'Annecy, via the Haut-Jura massif, the peaks of the Bauges massif and the roof of Europe, Mont-Blanc, this map will meet all your expectations. You'll find, for example, paragliding sites and airfields in Haute-Savoie, natural sites, mountain refuges, and lots of other useful information:
- Ski resorts
- Glaciers and peaks
- Spa resorts
- Natural sites
- France's most beautiful villages
- Refuges
- Observatories
- Museums
- Golf courses
- Beaches
- Airfields
- Monuments and castles of legend
- Religious sites
- Hiking trails
- Trails
- White water activities
- Remarkable itineraries
- The network of Vauban sites
- Orienteering tables
- Hydrological, natural and hypsometric data
- Administrative data
- via Ferrata sites
3DMap brand maps have revolutionized the 3D map market. They are the fruit of major R&D efforts, and offer incomparable quality.
For a better presentation, we recommend that you complete your relief map with a frame (available in 4 colors).
Air et Aventure also offers a wide range of other 3DMap relief maps. Don't hesitate to discover them!