Relief map for recreational and educational use
Discover this mini relief map of Tignes Val d'Isère. Focusing on the town of Tignes in Savoie, this uncommonly accurate map features the region's glaciers, peaks and lakes, plus lots of other useful information.
Dimensions (cm) : 20 x 30
Planimetric scale : 1/95,000
Altimetric scale: 1/95,000
A worked relief map
This mini relief map of Tignes Val d'Isère features the region's most beautiful spots. Massifs, glaciers, peaks and the region's many lakes are easily identifiable thanks to the 3DMap's intricate relief work. It also provides a wealth of other useful information, such as sports and hiking sites:
- Long-distance hiking trails
- Belvederes, orientation tables
- Refuge
- Alpina ski resorts
- Paragliding sites (
- Take-offs, Landings
- Airports, Aerodromes
An ideal, innovative format for this mini map
The mini relief map of Tignes Val d'Isère is compact enough to carry with you. In fact, you can easily slip it into your rucksack when hiking or walking.
What's more, 3DMap brand maps are made entirely in France, the fruit of extensive R&D efforts. They offer exceptional quality, breaking away from the old relief maps.
What's more, 3D processing software has been specifically developed to enable wider use of geographic information, such as bathymetric data.