Relief map for recreational and educational use
Discover this mini relief map of the Haut-Giffre massif. Focusing on the Sixt-Passy national nature reserve, this exceptionally accurate mini-map features a wealth of useful information, including paragliding take-off and landing points.
Dimensions (cm) : 20 x 30
Planimetric scale : 1/120,000
Height scale : 1/120,000
As with all 3DMap maps, the mini relief map of the Haut-Giffre massif shows you where to take off and land for paragliding. It also shows the massifs and glaciers, which are easily identifiable thanks to the map's sculpted relief. It also provides a wealth of other useful information, such as sports and hiking sites:
- Long-distance hiking trails
- Belvederes, orientation tables
- Refuge
- Alpina ski resorts
- Paragliding sites (
- Airports, Aerodromes
A MINI MAP Lightweight and innovative
3DMap brand maps are the fruit of major R&D efforts. They offer exceptional quality, breaking away from the old relief maps. What's more, 3D processing software has been specifically developed to enable wider use of geographic information, such as bathymetric data.
It's worth noting that the mini relief map of the Haut-Giffre massif has a compact format, so you can carry it with you like the larger 3DMap models. In fact, you can easily slip it into your backpack when you're hiking or walking, making it easy to find your way around.
This map is 100% made in France.